Why I do what I do.
Photo by the flawless http://www.torbaumann.com/
The thing I love about my couples is that they are as keen to learn about me as I am to learn about them. It gives me the warm fuzzies to know that they value me and what I do. One of the questions that inevitably pops up in every meeting is why I became a celebrant. So here goes...
- I love weddings. They are such stupidly happy occasions that even while typing this I feel a bubble of excitement.
- That moment. *that* moment. The moment when you see your partner for the first time coming towards you and you know that you are about to change things forever in one of the most awesome ways possible. In *that* moment…well I’ve got the best seat in the house.
- I got to marry my sister and her husband. These two were the catalyst for the whole celebrant shebang; without these two kids falling in love I may never have ended up here. It was the kick up the butt I needed.
- I meet amazing people. I have seriously considered writing in my wedding agreement: “Must be friends with me post ceremony.”
- Meeting so many different people from so many different places is a joy.
- I’ve always been a keen bean when it comes to learning; so hearing about how two people fell in love is such a privilege.
- I’m not interested in being a lead role, your ceremony is about you and your love. My job is to run the show, not stand out and make sure that I do it your way.
I swear my answer isn’t this long when couples ask me. :)